Equation ethene + chloride + oxidized electron carrier + H+ ← chloroethene + reduced two electron carrier
Enzymes and Genes

Show Atom Mapping (Computed):

Most BioCyc compounds have been protonated to a reference pH value of 7.3. Please see the for more information.

Mass Balance StatusBalanced.
Direction NoteThe reaction direction shown is in accordance with the Enzyme Commission rules (the physiological direction of the reaction, if known, is indicated by the arrow direction).
EC Number 1.21.99.M2 -- chloroethene reductive dehalogenase
Enzyme Commission Synonyms vcrAB (gene names)
vinyl chloride reductase

Enzyme Commission Summary

The enzyme, studied from the chloroethene-respiring bacterium , reduces chloroethene and all dichloroethene isomers at high rates, but is not active with tetrachloroethene or trichloroethene.

Gene-Reaction Schematic