Equation maltose + oxidized electron carrier → 3'-dehydromaltose + reduced two electron carrier
Note that this reaction equation differs from the official Enzyme Commission reaction equation for this EC entry, which can be found .
Enzymes and Genes No enzyme has been identified for this reaction in this database.

Show Atom Mapping (Computed):

BioCyc IdRXN-22810
Mass Balance StatusBalanced.
Direction NoteThe reaction direction shown is in accordance with the direction in which it was curated.
EC Number -- glucoside 3-dehydrogenase (acceptor)
Enzyme Commission Synonyms D-aldohexopyranoside dehydrogenase (ambiguous)
D-glucoside 3-dehydrogenase (ambiguous)
D-aldohexoside:(acceptor) 3-oxidoreductase
thuA (gene names)
thuB (gene names)
glucoside 3-dehydrogenase

Enzyme Commission Summary

The enzymes from members of the (such as ) act on disaccharides that contain a glucose moiety at the non-reducing end, such as trehalose, maltitol, sucrose, leucrose, palatinose, and trehalulose, forming the respective 3'-keto derivatives. cf EC, glucoside 3-dehydrogenase (cytochrome c).

Citations: [, , Ampomah14, ]

Created 13-Dec-2021 by Caspi R, SRI International