Equation (4-aminophenyl)arsonous acid + reduced two electron carrier + dioxygen → arsenous acid + 4-aminocyclohexa-2,5-dien-1-one + oxidized electron carrier
Note that this reaction equation differs from the projected official Enzyme Commission reaction equation for this EC entry, which can be found .
Enzymes and Genes No enzyme has been identified for this reaction in this database.

Show Atom Mapping (Computed):

BioCyc IdRXN-22371
Mass Balance StatusBalanced.
Direction NoteThe reaction direction shown is in accordance with the direction in which it was curated.
EC Number 1.13.11.M19 -- trivalent organoarsenical arsenous acid-cleaving enzyme
Enzyme Commission Synonyms C·As lyase
arsI (gene name)
methylarsonous acid demethylase


The product of this reaction was reported to be 2-nitrohydroquinone []. However, for the reaction to be balanced, the immediate product of the enzyme must be .

Enzyme Commission Summary

The enzyme, characterized from the bacterium Bacillus sp. MD1, is a nonheme iron-dependent dioxygenase that can cleave the carbon-arsenic bond in certain trivalent organoarsenical compounds, including methylarsonous acid, roxarsone (III), nitarsone (III) and (4-aminophenyl)arsonous acid, releasing arsenous acid.

Created 03-Feb-2021 by Caspi R, SRI International