Equation 4-aminobenzoate + reduced two electron carrier + 2 dioxygen → 4-nitrobenzoate + oxidized electron carrier + 2 H2O
Enzymes and Genes

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BioCyc IdRXN-20202
Mass Balance StatusBalanced.
Direction NoteThe reaction direction shown is in accordance with the direction in which it was curated.
EC Number -- 4-aminobenzoate N-oxygenase
Enzyme Commission Synonyms aurF (gene name)

Enzyme Commission Summary

The enzyme, characterized from the bacterium Streptomyces thioluteus, catalyzes an early step in the biosynthesis of the antibiotic aureothin. It contains a carboxylate-bridged binuclear non-heme iron cluster. The native electron donor has not been identified, but is likely an iron-sulfur protein. The reaction mechanism involves formation of an extremely stable peroxo intermediate that catalyses three two-electron oxidations via a hydroxylamine and dihydroxylamine intermediates. cf EC, α-N-dichloroacetyl-p-aminophenylserinol N-oxygenase.

Citations: [, , , , , ]

Gene-Reaction Schematic

Created 30-Nov-2018 by Caspi R, SRI International