Synonyms ggaP; putative glucosyltransferase; α-amylase catalytic domain family protein YcjM
Accession IDs G6647 (MetaCyc)
P76041 (UniProt)
Length 1680 bp / 559 aa
Map Position
[1,370,216 -> 1,371,895]
Locations extracellular space Inferred by computational analysis, cytosol Inferred by computational analysis
Reaction 2-O-(α-D-glucopyranosyl)-D-glycerate + phosphate ↔ α-D-glucopyranose 1-phosphate + D-glycerate
Inferred from experiment
Assay of unpurified protein [Franceus17]
Assay of protein purified to homogeneity [Mukherjee18]


YcjM and an enzyme from Meiothermus silvanus both belong to the same subfamily of the GH13_18 family of phosphorylases. The purified M. silvanus enzyme as well as overexpressed, but unpurified YcjM are able to catalyze synthesis of glucosylglycerol from glucose-1-phosphate and glycerol. YcjM showed no activity with sucrose and many other potential acceptor substrates [Franceus17]. Glucosylglycerate phosphorylase activity was later shown for purified YcjM; the enzyme is specific for α-(1,2)-D-glucose-D-glycerate [Mukherjee18].

Additional Citations: [Deng14a, Deng15a]

Molecular Weight64.186 kD (from nucleotide sequence)

Gene-Reaction Schematic

Ingrid Keseler on Tue Mar 6, 2018:
8/25/15 keseler removed sucP as synonym; no support that it has ever been used

Peter D. Karp on Wed Jan 18, 2006:
Gene left-end position adjusted based on analysis performed in the 2005 E. coli annotation update [Riley06].

Markus Krummenacker on Tue Oct 14, 1997:
Gene object created from Blattner lab Genbank (v. M52) entry.

Imported from EcoCyc [See Credit History in EcoCyc] 21-Oct-2024 by Paley S, SRI International