MetaCyc EC -- pectate disaccharide-lyase

Parent Class: EC-Numbers4 -- Lyases4.2 -- Carbon-oxygen lyases4.2.2 -- Acting on polysaccharides

Synonyms: pectate exo-lyase, exopectic acid transeliminase, exopectate lyase, exopolygalacturonic acid-trans-eliminase, PATE, exo-PATE, exo-PGL, exopolygalacturonate lyase (ambiguous), pelW (gene name), pelX (gene name)

Systematic Name: (1→4)-α-D-galacturonan reducing-end-disaccharide-lyase

Unification Links: BRENDA:, ENZYME:, IUBMB-ExplorEnz:


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Enzymes and Genes:
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The enzyme catalyses the eliminative cleavage of an unsaturated disaccharide from the reducing end of homogalacturonan (the backbone of smooth regions of pectate, also known as de-esterified pectin).

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Please cite the following article in publications resulting from the use of MetaCyc: Caspi et al, Nucleic Acids Research 46(D1):D633-D639 2018
Page generated by Pathway Tools version 28.5 (software by SRI International) on Fri Mar 28, 2025, BIOCYC16B.