Superclasses: | a cytochrome → a c-type cytochrome |
apocytochrome c (Paracoccus pantotrophus)
Biological Roles: a redox electron carrier
SMILES: C1(\N\C=N/C(\C[C@H](NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(C([R2])NC(=O)[C@H]([R1])NC(=O)[C@H](CS)N[an apo-[c-type cytochrome] with reduced L-cysteine residues])=O)CS)C(=O)O[an apo-[c-type cytochrome] with reduced L-cysteine residues])=1)
Unification Links: MetaNetX:MNXM167074, Seed:cpd22383
Reactions known to consume the compound:
cytochrome c biogenesis (system I type)
apo-[c-type cytochrome] with reduced L-cysteine residues + CcmH protein with an internal disulfide bridge → apo-[c-type cytochrome]--CcmH disulfide
[oxidized DsbA protein] + apo-[c-type cytochrome] with reduced L-cysteine residues → [reduced DsbA protein] + apo-[c-type cytochrome] with a disulfide bridge
cytochrome c biogenesis (system II type)
cytochrome c biogenesis (system III type)
c-type cytochrome ← protoheme + apo-[c-type cytochrome] with reduced L-cysteine residues
Reactions known to produce the compound:
cytochrome c biogenesis (system I type)
[reduced CcmG protein] + apo-[c-type cytochrome] with a disulfide bridge → [oxidized CcmG protein] + apo-[c-type cytochrome] with reduced L-cysteine residues
cytochrome c biogenesis (system II type)
apo-[c-type cytochrome] with a disulfide bridge + ResA protein with reduced cysteine residues → apo-[c-type cytochrome] with reduced L-cysteine residues + ResA protein with an internal disulfide bridge
apo-[c-type cytochrome] with reduced L-cysteine residues + oxidized thioredoxin ← apo-[c-type cytochrome] with a disulfide bridge + reduced thioredoxin
cytochrome c biogenesis (system I type)
[reduced CcmG protein] + CcmE-[c-type cytochrome--CcmH disulfide] complex + electron-transfer quinol → CcmH-CcmG disulfide + c-type cytochrome + c-type cytochrome biogenesis protein CcmE + electron-transfer semiquinone + H+
In Transport reactions:
apo-[c-type cytochrome] with reduced L-cysteine residues[cytosol] → apo-[c-type cytochrome] with reduced L-cysteine residues[periplasm]
Gene-Reaction Schematic
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Please cite the following article in publications resulting from the use of MetaCyc: Caspi et al, Nucleic Acids Research 46(D1):D633-D639 2018
Page generated by Pathway Tools version 28.5 (software by SRI International) on Fri Mar 14, 2025, BIOCYC16B.